Australia is so far that flight time, not including joinings and landings to plane refuelling, makes more than days.
The big barrier reef.
Historically unusual occurrence in waters of the Indian and Silent oceans of the earth under the name Australia is connected with branch from huge continent Gondvaly of a small part of a land. There was it about 65 million years ago. Long time about its existence was known to nobody, and about 50 thousand years ago this territory has started to be occupied by the people from South East Asia. It is interesting that in those days level of the World ocean was such that from New Guinea to Australia it was possible to pass on foot, without having presoaked feet. And when the first Europeans have stepped into the new earths (and there was it only in ХVI a century) then about miracles of these edges, about unusual plants and animals has learnt all world.
Australia as continent, undoubtedly, represents an original miracle. Anywhere it is more in the world it is not concentrated a lot of unusual and mysterious, as here:
All it is unique and it is magnificent. Hardly somebody will be left indifferent by a variety and individuality of a plant and animal life of Australia. At times even it seems that the animals living here, were created by the Creator slowly, in any experimental mode and is concrete for this Great Southern continent as during ancient times named Australia. One of its symbols, certainly, it is considered to be "bear" the koala:

At once it is necessary to explain that to bears this nice and lovely Australian small animal has no relation. It is simply similar to a toy plush bear, here it and name.

In the wild nature of this small animal to see extremely difficult as he lives on trees, in dense эвкалиптовых woods. Leafs of Eucalyptus is simultaneously both meal, and drink for koalas, without them to it not to survive.

Ridiculously having braided in a ball, they cling the sharp and long claws to a wood bark not to fall down, and in such position sleep on trees, happens that for 20 hours a day.

The close relative of koalas is the wombat - a small animal whom too do not know on other continents. Once for a long time, on any evolutionary coil, the nature has divided them: koalas have got on a tree, and wombats remained on the earth. They something are similar to beavers or on small bear cubs:

Wombats are slow and see only that is before them. Ridiculously to look, how, having buried in any obstacle, these animals go backwards-forward until casually will not round it. In the wild nature wombats are virtuosos and skilful digger of holes. Some holes can be laid underground on distance to 30 metres.
The wild dog of the Dingo can be the unique enemy of the wombat in the Australian cream puff, but from it the rodent escapes in the way comprehensible only to it. The matter is that the wombat in a back part of its body has something like a hypodermic armour, and when a small animal, escaping from destruction, gets to itself into a hole, it the, forgive, a back place blocks there all access, and nobody in its forces to get from this hole.
Habitats of wombats often are a subject of studying of the Australian geologists. On continent minerals lie down superficially, and the ground which has been pulled out from holes, can tell about much to experts. Both the koala, and the wombat are marsupials animals, only bags for cultivation of cubs at them are on a back, instead of on a stomach, as, for example, at a kangaroo.

The origin of the name of these jumpers is amusing. Speak, when Europeans have seen them for the first time and have asked natives as they are called, natives have answered: ”Kangaroo”, - that on a local dialect means: "is not known". Ingenious Europeans knowingly make yes heads also have brought this word in all languages of the world.

These animals have records and the champions. The case when the grey kangaroo has jumped at length on 13 and a half metres is registered.

Opossums concern marsupials an animal - small fur rodents who do not trouble for a long time already itself with meal extraction also: they live in city parks and squares, on roofs and attics of houses and eat that remains after people.
It is interesting that the family of opossums deduces posterity not in a hole, as all rodents, and in nests as if birds, specially constructing them on the top circles of trees. To meet opossums is the most easier along toward evening or at night. Small animals approach to people and even allow itself to stroke. Certainly, in hope of an entertainment. It is a pity that what them it was not possible, can, on a word will believe?
Why marsupials live only on the Australian continent, it is for certain not known. Perhaps, it is any transitive stage in development of mammals? After all there are in Australia some animals of transitive kinds who postpone eggs, and the posterity hatching from them is brought up milk. He/she is a duck-bill and it is malicious. Duck-bills – simply unique creations.

They perfectly feel both in water, and on the earth - the present amphibians. When they dive, close eyes and ears that, possibly, nothing to see and nothing to hear. Small crabs and molluscs they find by means of the ridiculous nose which represents difficult hydro-sonar system. It is curious that for deducing of posterity the female of a duck-bill demands from the spouse to build separate habitation in which it will postpone eggs and later one to raise kids milk.
Approximately as behaves and it is malicious, she only lives not in water, and in canes:

All kind as if throwing down to a challenge to a society, it shows the individuality. On its fur cover long grey or black needles grow, on paws sharp curve claws, and the extended thin nose-beak which is in constant movement threateningly shine, sensitively sniffs up extraction. It is malicious very much likes to regale on termites. It pushes the nose in a tiny window of a termitary both the long and sticky language tries to get insects. Termites, protecting the dwelling, rush on the uninvited visitor, and ехидне only it and is necessary, know pinch a delicacy. On these artful animals predators successfully hunt: tasmanian a devil and a wild dog of the Dingo.
The bird's world of Australia too is unique. In spite of the fact that for birds there are no the borders, some kinds never leave continent, and they can be met only on this continent.
The ostrich of Emu, for example, essentially differs from the African colleague (at least that is able to swim not bad), and, under the statement of some zoologists, at all does not belong to the class ostrich's - they rank it as a class kazuarus.

And as the black-headed Australian stork Yabiru is fine:

It is a lot of miracles and secrets store oceanic waters of Australia:
Only in the Australian oceanic waters it is possible to meet the deep-water vampire, very lovely and harmless mollusc, despite its frightening name; the huge Australian cuttlefish - the skilled worker of mystifications; sea dwarfs – small invertebrate fishes in the size less than a rice kernel, and, God forbid, to feel a deadly touch of a jellyfish-wasp.
Oceanic crocodiles about which aggression tell legends are not less mysterious. In comparison with them river crocodiles, speak, innocent small animals.

Boundless Australian open spaces on the sly slightly open the secret curtain. More recently in a province the Southern Wales relic groves with unknown to today ancient trees which height reaches 80 (!) metres have been found out.

On this continent it is not necessary to search for miracles. They everywhere. But all the same while this earth – terra incognita. Perhaps, specially it has carried so far from other world. There, washed by waters of two oceans, it serves as the certain balance keeping balance of globe. When time of opening of secrets of Australia will come - it is not known. Probably, one more kind storyteller is necessary, the hero or which heroine will fail under the earth and, having flown by through it on other hemisphere, once again will tell about its miracles. Can be then there will be an answer and to a question why the length of a coastal line of this continent is equal to length of equator.

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