At 10.00 start. Crews rush to the first point of a route, and all them for a day it is necessary to find thirty eight.
Next wishing to sweep by military trucks prepare for departure. Weather spoils, becomes colder, the rain begins. At this time from a line of competitions the first information with the request for the help arrives – one of cars cannot independently get out. All "non sportsmen's" with enthusiasm go together with organizers on a gain. The truck rushes on wood road, we keep for body boards, continually we bend down to be saved from blows of branches – an extreme! When we approach on the got stuck car, exclamation is distributed: - mmmmmm-yes, and what for here it was necessary to climb? Professionals parry: - It was necessary to climb, because there a control point near which the car of participants of competitions should be photographed. The another matter that it was possible to approach on the other hand instead of to break straight …
We approach more close, the picture opens the magnificent: GAZ-66 has practically taken out on a stub, on it the petrol tank just hangs, metal-cable is torn.
First of all the command tries to clean a barrier, that is is banal saws a stub.
It is how much easy for making, it is visible on pictures, but as usually, wins persistence: the crew goes to untie a cable from a tree.
Then our truck "ZIL" pulls out victims from a bog.
At this time other participants of competitions easy approach on a control point.
And we go to travel. In the beginning we go on usual wood road.
Then we turn off on a glade on which, seemingly, nobody went unlimited quantity of years.
Alas, our truck "ZIL" here need a metal-cable, without it wee can't go ahead.
Drivers of "Ural - truck" estimate in the beginning a line...
... Then pass it almost without problems.
Behind there is well very much "sweety" path.
And ahead still weight of barriers: water, a bog, a rain, the tumbled down trees …

While men overcome obstacles, women pretend to be late mushrooms.
By the evening it is felt that people have got tired, but overcoming of dunes, lifting on the highest observant point of the former range, survey of vicinities is still planned.
And let in the street dank weather, let visibility not so, let many dream already only of as soon as possible to return to the warm apartments, we know: such travel will be remembered for a long time.
We have already tested ourselves, and you are ready to make it?
Dear Andy, thanks for the comment on my blog from Long Island, NY. Are you interested in gardening or history? How did you happen to find the Jarvis House blog? It is always amazing where the comments and e-mails come from. It is Autumn here, but soon it will be Thanksgiving and Christmas, and then hard winter until about March or April. Cheers
ОтветитьУдалитьDear Lori, trhank you too. I'm from Moscow, Russia. Here is also Autumn, but the first snow was some days ago. I'm interesting History, travaling, photos and also foreign langs. As you may be know our country is very cold and the winter time at us till the March. Thanks and I'll be glad to hear something from you. Cheers