Has found travel agency which offered "a package of the savage" - the visa to Thailand and air tickets. Has issued the visa to Vietnam in the Minsk embassy. Descended in polyclinic to инфекционисту on consultation on preventive maintenance of exotic diseases, has made some inoculations. Has collected a backpack and on March, 9th has taken off from Minsk for Bangkok. And here I in Bangkok - capital of Thailand! The first sensations and thoughts: "as here there live people?", closeness and humidity such what to breathe hard, not that what to move!

There we also have got acquainted with Vladimir - my fellow traveller. Were occupied in a cheap gest-house for 5 dollars from the person. By the way, for all time of travel we lived that in gest-houses in hotels, and managed to us these are 3-5 dollars from the person a day. For three days, the spent in stuffy and hot Bangkok, there has passed climatic acclimatisation, and the gastronomic has begun:) the Known rumour that east food is rich with spices and devilishly sharp - not exaggeration! At last, us became three: one more our fellow traveller, Anastas has arrived. And we have begun our travel.
On the travel we tried to avoid tourist routes and cities as it would be desirable to see the "present" culture. And we have been generously rewarded. Thais have appeared very kind, smiling, decent and cheerful people! English language in this region almost nobody knows, therefore expressed on "bodi-lenguage".
It is more 1000 km we have passed a self-locking device! In Thailand it not a problem! In general, Thailand is the country of "nou-problems" as Thais like to speak. Us brought up often even there where and it was not necessary for the driver, and still they strove to feed or give to drink and show us to the friends!
Thailand - country very rich with beauty. The nature has awarded with its huge variety of the plant and animal life, two seas and mountains!
During travel on the country we managed to live one day in a family of peasants, it was delightful! Have visited some national parks in which have seen more than 10 falls. Europeans met not often, and local to us always rejoiced and wished to be photographed - we, of course, did not refuse:)
Laos was the following our country. Border have passed quickly, the visa received on a place and without problems. At once was evident that the country is much poorer than Thailand. Both the prices above. And culture another!
Roads very bad, personal motor transport very little, are lengthways expensive continuous settlements of communal type. Even it seemed to us that we saw the person with onions and arrows! And all it in the first days of stay in the country.
And still to us offered fried rats and other meal of not clear origin. In general, Laotians are very similar to Slavs: drink beer and local rice self-race of "Lao-Lao" much, play different games and love idle rest.
In city Luang Prabang we went to "feed" monks! At them it is accepted that monks wordly have no anything also anything, except divine service, are not engaged. They pass every morning on a city a chain, and local residents bring it meal.
Vang Vieng I recommend to visit all! The river Mekong, over it bars with cheap cocktails, music, free attractions of type тарзанок and other towers for diving, atmosphere of the uttermost freedom, good and the international brotherhood are established! Of us there have grown fond, and with some we were already repeatedly crossed on the way! More than such places we did not meet.
We have called in and in the mountain city of Da Lat - almost European city very esteemed in Vietnam. All newly-married couple aspires to get to Da Lat - mountain air and a cool bring the big simplification and pleasure.
In Da Lat we have tried unusually tasty Vietnamese coffee, ate traditional evening soup which is prepared by visitors directly at themselves on a little table! It was very interesting - all visitors long laughed, trying to learn us.
And here we in Cambodia. In the surprising and mysterious country. Border have passed quickly and without any examination. Visas do on a place. In capital especially there is nothing to look. We have gone to look Angkor.
Angkor is an ancient city-temple! Simply hugest - 24 km from the West on the east and 8 km from the north on the south. Usually tourists spend for its survey two-three days.
In tourist places it is possible to buy all for dollars, there and price lists in dollars are often written at once. The prices above, than in Thailand. In general it has turned out that the poorest countries - the most expensive.
People affable, strong and tall but are benevolent unlike Vietnam.
Having lived a little in resort small town Sianukvile, we have gone on "uninhabited" island! Two days have lived on "Bamboo Island" (on which there is no bamboo) in a bungalow. Small - we it have bypassed island around for three hours. Except us there was the person 8-10 and all! The sea, a beach, silently and easy! An ideal place to write books, to read and write pictures! After Cambodia have again returned to Thailand and have gone on the South.
The south of Thailand is inexpressibly delightful!
So time of our returning has imperceptibly crept. We had not time to look Burma and Indonesia. But in this region it is possible to come back and find time and again something new, so - to a new meeting my favourite South East Asia!
All I wish not to postpone for the foggy future the dreams! The life is short also it it is necessary to LIVE!!! To a meeting on travel, compatriots!
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